Narsampet Town was constituted as a Nagara Panchayat from Grampanchayat in the year2011 vide G.O. MS.No. 402 M.A. and UD Department, Dated 03.09.2011.The population of the Town as per 2011 census is 36241 and the Government has fixed the Elected Ward Member is 20 as per G.O. Ms. No. 200 M.A. and U.D. Department, dated 16.05.2013. The Town is covered by 11.52 Sq.Km area. The Town is situated at a distance of 35 Kms from District Head Quarter Warangal.
There are so many mills , colleges in the town. The town is having with all kinds of Major and Minor Business Like Rice Mills, Oil Mills, Agricultural Market Committee, and all departmental offices. The Narsampet town is main commercial center, for a region covering about 120 villages in surrounding to the Narsampet Town. The villages depend on Narsampet Town for Marketing their Agricultural Produce and for procuring their consumer needs.